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Facility Managers

Reliable | Efficient | Preferred

KNL have provided IT and communcation services to facility management companies since 2001, providing many organisations with managed services and systems with a reliable and responsive service.

Facility managers face responsibility for a range of services in single, multi-building or multi-site portfolios, aiming to;

Extend or maximise asset lifecycle

Maintain high service levels

Operate an effective helpdesk service

Ensure staff work efficiently as possible

Communicate effectively with stakeholders

KNL have developed IT and communication solutions and packages to help assist facility managers to deliver and maintain a high level of service to all stakeholders.

Bundled Support Packages

With increasing pressure on budgets and service charges, it is often the IT that gets overlooked in managed premises, limiting the ability to take advantage of new technology without capital outlay!

KNL can provide packages that help extend the life of exitsing hardware yet able to leverage newer technology, all within a controlled annual budget.

Whether for staff, security, CCTV, guest WiFi or digital signage, KNL provide full supply and support packages, allowing complete managed solution.

Multi Tenant Systems

Serviced offices can be created with a managed data and telecommunications infrastructure, allowing flexibility to let space out with full services with realtive ease

Providing sites with a single broadband connection allows distribution of business class broadband and telephony with minimal investment in networking hardware

KNL have provided these system to a number of sites as a fully managed service, allowing landlords to create revenue stream from the associated services.

If you are considering converting or upgradng your building to acomodate a multi-tenant system please contact KNL

Digital Signage

Improved communication methods are always being demanded, amongst the options is the use of digital signage as a dynamic messaging device that supplements or replaces other forms of messaging.

KNL have delivered digital signage to various properties used for different reasons, whether to communicate utility usage or service level feedback to facebook, tweets or road traffic messages, the ability to deploy media players for single screens or video walls has become more accesible to facilty managers and landlords.

In many cases you can;

Use your existing assets

Control the content displayed

Manage the content remotely

Use any HDMI enabled TV

For more advanced systems digital signage can be operated with guest wifi, allowing location analytics allowing greater monitoring and penetration of you messages - A VERY POWERFUL TOOL!

Digital signage for simple requirements has low installation costs, easy to use and affordable, contact KNL for more information.

Guest WiFi

Using exisiting or new broadband connection KNL can provide single hotspot or meshed systems allowing;

Custom login page (design/logo)

Free or paid access via terms and conditions splash page

Issue login codes or bill credit card from reception

Remote configuration and administration

Content filtering

Download/upload speed control

Multiple SSID's for guest, 'special' guest, staff or other wireless service user 

Controlled access times

Secure demarcation between guest and other organisation data networks

Cloud based configuration and administration

Plus many more features that enable facility managers to make decisions based on data from these devices, interested in knowing more or a trial, contact KNL

Remote assistance? If you have internet connection we can access your device securely


Want more information or a quote for any of our services? Request a call back


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