ndv ® : Neocoretech Desktop Virtualization
Neocoretech Desktop Virtualization (NDV) is a complete workstation virtualisation software system that allows organisations to rationalise the way they manage their PCs
Why virtualise?
Virtualisation can respond to different types of needs, that is why we try to adapt to your demand and we propose several options and services that will help you to choose, install and manage your VDI.
Instant Deployment And Recycling
The IT administrator is able to prepare in advance routine management tasks (new users, new applications, training courses, test systems) and system changes (patches, software updates). Working from predefined templates, hundreds of virtual PCs can be deployed in a few minutes, compared to the hours it takes to deploy a single conventional workstation. If needed, new workstations can be reassigned or rolled-back just as quickly.
Access your environment wherever you are
With Neocoretech Desktop Virtualization, users can log on to their personal desktop environment from any networked workstation; no longer is the environment tied to a physical machine. Better still, the portal system makes it easy to provide free access to a range of different machines according to users’ particular needs.
More secure operation
Administrators regain control over workstations, thanks to the concept of the read-only workstation, which makes it possible to instantly return to a ‘clean’ workstation that corresponds to the initial template. Errors (accidental delete, etc.), misuse by certain users (unwanted installations, etc.) and software corruptions (virus, malware, etc.) are all managed with the utmost simplicity and remotely. At last it becomes possible to guarantee that your applications function correctly.
Single server installation
The NDV solution can run on a single server, this server will provide all the key system functions (connection management and hosting the virtual PCs).
In order to guarantee optimal operation as a function of your particular environment, the exact sizing needs to be checked with KNL. Regular improvements in processor performance serve to increase the number of virtual PCs per server.
- Single-server installation
High availability installation
High availability within the NDV is managed in a way that is transparent for administrator and users alike. In a high availability configuration, key system functions are active on each server, and servers provide mutual backup in the event an incident arises. The solution offers permanent automatic data synchronisation (configuration and templates) between servers. Service levels are unaffected if one server goes down.
- High Availability installation - One NDV server acting as backup to the other
Multi-server installation
The NDV solution is endlessly scalable because the administrator is free to activate the functions that they require on each server (or blade). The most resource-intensive function (CPU and memory) is hosting the virtual PCs, and more resources have to be added as a function of the number of workstations to deliver.
- Multi-server installation
Reduced purchase/renewal costs - Reduced operation/maintenance costs - Reduced energy costs
Adapt IT services to the company’s need for flexibility - User access from any company workstation - No more operational constraints (noise, heat, etc…)
Guaranteed workstation performance - No more unnecessary site visits by technical support - Instantly distribute updates, with rollback in the event of incident
No more distributed data (conformity, protection, etc…) - Guarantee that the security policy will be followed - Secured internal (contractor) and external (home-working) access
- Fully integrated solution in a single software package
- Installed in a few minutes
- 100% transparent user experience
- Intuitive drag & drop administration
- Integrates into IP infrastructure (VLAN support, etc…)
- Integrates with all thin clients (multi-protocol support)
- Operates with every OS (Microsoft, Linux, etc…, 32 or 64-bit)
- Operates with or without a directory (Active Directory, LDAP)
- Dynamic transparent integration of new servers
- High availability and automated clustering
- Integrated storage optimisation (SAN not required)
- Licensing based on simultaneous use of virtual PCs
NDV runs on x86 servers with Intel VT processors. There are 3 possible deployment modes:
- Single server hosting all function
- Dual servers to provide high availability
- Multiple servers to host the functions when deploying on a large scale
Power, memory and storage are all defined as a function of the number of virtual PCs and templates that the organisation wants to put in place.
On average, 1x 48GB RAM dual-processor quad-core server is sufficient to run 70 virtual PCs.
KNL have deployed Neocoretech in a number of installations, succesfully coverting sites from traditional client server sites to VDI, contact us for more information.